Promoting Excellence in Commercial Arbitration

The College of Commercial Arbitrators both defines and promotes the highest standards of arbitrator ethics, standards of conduct, and best practices — both nationally and internationally.

Roy L. De Barbieri

Roy L. De Barbieri

Anthony DiLeo

Anthony DiLeo

Sherman Kahn

Sherman Kahn

Deborah Mastin

Deborah Mastin

Alvin Zimmerman

Alvin Zimmerman

Mark Lassiter

Mark Lassiter

Robert Wax

Robert Wax

Garrett Brown Jr. (Ret.)

Garrett Brown Jr. (Ret.)

Roy L. De Barbieri

Roy L. De Barbieri

Anthony DiLeo

Anthony DiLeo

Sherman Kahn

Sherman Kahn

Deborah Mastin

Deborah Mastin

Alvin Zimmerman

Alvin Zimmerman

Mark Lassiter

Mark Lassiter

Robert Wax

Robert Wax

Garrett Brown Jr. (Ret.)

Garrett Brown Jr. (Ret.)

Established in 2001, CCA is a national organization of commercial arbitrators who provide meaningful contributions to the profession, the public, and to the businesses and lawyers who depend on commercial arbitration as a primary means of dispute resolution.


CCA's Driving Force

CCA’s Driving Force

The College of Commercial Arbitrators (CCA) celebrates and advocates excellence in the field of commercial arbitration– in the US and internationally.

As the world’s most prestigious alternative dispute resolution professional organization, CCA both defines and promotes the highest standards of arbitrator ethics, standards of conduct, and best practices in alternative dispute resolution.

CCA is an invitation-only organization that provides a meaningful contribution to the profession, the public, the legal sector, and businesses that implement commercial arbitration as a means of dispute resolution. The Fellows of CCA are the elite within the profession. They have the professional training, judgment, and years of experience to undertake the most complex and difficult commercial arbitration assignments.

Learn more about us

Considering Arbitration?

Business or commercial arbitration can avoid the time, expense, and uncertainty of court proceedings and particularly useful when parties want disputes resolved in a business setting.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

A Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

The CCA endeavors to raise awareness and understanding of the critical importance of diversity in commercial arbitration. CCA promotes diversity and inclusion in the field and in its leadership and membership.

CCA’s Outreach Committee is a standing committee whose sole purpose is to foster and achieve greater diversity among Fellows.

Learn more

CCA Fellow Admission

CCA Fellow Admission

Admission to the CCA is by invitation only. A candidate for fellowship must be nominated by a Fellow and seconded by two other Fellows. The CCA reviews candidates on an annual basis.

It is the goal of CCA to admit as Fellows those who have distinguished themselves as commercial arbitrators and have a strong interest in furthering the mission of the College. Fellows must commit to being active members of CCA, engaged in CCA activities and public service endeavors. CCA is committed to diversity in its membership.

Learn how to apply


The CCA Protocols For Expeditious, Cost-Effective Commercial Arbitration


The CCA Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration (4th Edition)

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